The flashcard app screenshot. This is an image of a person using a laptop while leaning against a couch.


Tech Stack: ExpressJS, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Express Session, JavaScript, SASS, Pug

Note: ( The app is hosted on a server that powers down when not in use. Upon initial access, it might take a few moments to spin up. )

FlashLearn is a fullstack web app that streamlines studying with personalized flashcards. Users can create study sets for any topic, customize flashcards with various text and background colors, and have full control to view, edit, or delete their study materials.

The platform includes a profile page for updating email addresses and passwords. Fully optimized for mobile use, FlashLearn ensures a seamless experience across devices, allowing users to study conveniently from their smartphones or tablets. Its user-friendly interface fosters efficient study habits and easy management of study materials and account settings.